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We need to be able to add custom fields to the forms.
Status changed to: In progress
I really need this.
We would love it if we could create a form which lines up with out feature request form. We want people to give us a bit of detail when they do this so that we can build the feature accurately, Cheers
That's actually a really good one! Any particular ones you have in mind?
I would think of 'this' and 'that' 😎
Love those!! 😍
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Status changed to: In progress
Chia Feng Tsai
I really need this.
Friendly Support
We would love it if we could create a form which lines up with out feature request form. We want people to give us a bit of detail when they do this so that we can build the feature accurately, Cheers
That's actually a really good one! Any particular ones you have in mind?
I would think of 'this' and 'that' 😎
Love those!! 😍